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Jan. 2, 2013
PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting Minutes ---   January 2, 2013

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by chairman. Present were: Chairman Jerry Gannelli, Jon Fudeman, John Mirick, Tom Daly and Ann Neuburg. PB alternate member Rick McCowan present.

--Brian Allen for KJK Wireless met with the Board to discuss the process for modifications by AT&T to three existing wireless facilities on Thompson Road, Worcester Road, and Houghton Road.  AT&T leases space on the towers, and does not own the towers.

The Thompson Road tower (owned by American Tower) is a lattice-work “H” with exterior antennas.  AT&T wants to add 3 antennas and install some additional ground equipment.

The tower at 194 Worcester Road (owned by American Tower) is a monopole with antennas inside.  AT&T wants to remove and replace existing antennas, increase the diameter of the fiberglass shroud that conceals the antenna from a diameter of 25” to 30”and install some additional ground equipment.

The tower at 163 Houghton Road (owned by Crown Castle) is a monopole with antennas inside.  AT&T wants to remove and replace existing antenna, increase the diameter of the fiberglass shroud from 20.5” to 30” and install some additional ground equipment.

The Board previously (March 2012) allowed a modification requested by Sprint to the Special Permit for the Houghton Road tower, increasing to 36” the diameter of the fiberglass shroud.  The Board discussed the purposes of Section XIII, and particularly the intent stated in Section XIII to minimize visual impact on adjacent properties.  Tom felt that the leasable space on monopoles should have a uniform diameter.  Rick felt that the portion of monopoles visible above treeline should have a uniform diameter.  Brian Allen said that his client (AT&T) will have to receive permission of each tower owner to make changes.  While AT&T can only make changes to the portion of the pole that is leased by AT&T, it is likely that other lessees will be coming to the Board for special permits to modify their installations, as Sprint has already done on the Houghton Road tower.  The Board felt that a representative of the owner should participate in the process, to establish a uniform diameter applicable to all leased space on the pole.

Brian Allen suggested that because the modifications did not affect the height of the towers or change the footprint of the ground installations, the Board could act without a public hearing.  John pointed out that the original special permits were issued after notice and public hearings, that Section XIII 8(B) requires amendments for any expansion or extension, and that if abutters and the public had a right to notice and participation in a public hearing for the original special permits, abutters and the public had a right to notice and participation for any expansion or extension.  Rick reminded the Board of the significant neighborhood interest in the Worcester Road tower.

After extended discussion, the Board determined that the proposed work was an expansion or extension of the existing facility which required an amendment to the existing special permit pursuant to Section 8(B) of Section XIII Wireless Telecommunications By-Law, and that AT&T should file an application to modify the existing special permits, with publication and notice to abutters.  Representatives of the owners of the Houghton Road tower and the Worcester Road tower should attend and should be prepared to discuss uniformity of the diameter of the shroud. The Board agreed that most of the application requirements listed in Section 7(A) of Section XIII are not necessary unless the proposed modifications impact those requirements.  AT&T will need to provide photosimulation of the proposed increase in diameter of the shroud as provided in Section 7(A)(1)(m) from existing vantage points commonly used by the public.  The Board directed Brian Allen to work with Marie on the applications and in determining which specifications in Section 7(A) were not necessary.

--The board took a quick look at a draft version of the 2012 Annual Report of the Planning Board and agreed to consider it as an agenda item at the next meeting.

--A brief discussion of an Economic Development Plan resulted in the conclusion that it was not needed.
--The board noted that Jim Shuris did review and approve the completion, and that it was done per specifications, on the pavement topcoat for Isaac’s Way. The proponent has received an extension on the project for one year.

--The board voted all in favor to approve minutes from Nov. 14 and Dec. 12 with a correction to the spelling of “Andrysick”

9:00 PM  All voted in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted
Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:  

Letter and report from Andrysick to Shuris dated Oct. 30, 2012
Cell Tower plans and specs from AT&T for upgrades at three sites

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department